Why MmmooOgle
At MmmooOgle we are passionate about performance. Your performance: dairy farmers running on MmmooOgle save time and take smarter decisions. Because MmmooOgle offers a 360° reality check of the dairy operation. Near real time! Finally you get to see your own financials and metrics such as DMI (Dry Matter Intake), IOFC (Income over Feed Cost) and milk productivity. Continuously.
And we all know: what gets measured, gets done.
In short, here are three reasons why dairy farmers like MmmooOgle:
All information in one place.
If you think about it, farm information is scattered all over the place. To take the best decision possible you are constantly going back and forth between programs, emails, computers, consultants and office papers. Wouldn’t it be great to have all that information in just one place? One single screen giving you access to exactly that information you need to know, there and then. That’s MmmooOgle.
Practical, simple and reliable.
YOU decide!
With MmmooOgle.